Its been an exciting month. We have grown and changed so much. Hunter Jeffrey weighs 10lb 7oz now and 22 inches long. A lot more alert of whats going on around him and just recently really loves looking at toys and listening to music. We have met lots of new family and friends in the last couple weeks. Got to meet Great Grandparents, Grandma and Grandpa Smith for the first time and lots of other aunts, uncles, cousins and good friends. Everyone as expected loved this little guy. He was so good on our trip to
Klamath Falls. Slept all through the night. First time ever and only time since. We are trying to replicate the circumstances here at home but so far
unsuccessful. Loved driving in dad's pickup. Good little travel buddy. He is a good boy all in all, very layed back attitude. Only time we get really upset is when we are hungry and mom doesn't have it out ready at a moments notice. Some of Hunter's favorite things are... eating (our favorite hands down), sleeping on dad's chest, being rocked in our car seat by cousin's Owen and Claire, and eating. Oh we already said that. ;) We gave mom our first smile today. Almost positive it wasn't just gas. Looking forward to some sunny weather. We have some real cute summer outfits mom is dying to dress me up in. Well, better get going. We will try a little harder this time to keep you updated more often. Mom is being a slacker.